Sunday, July 25, 2021

Trek to Zion

I felt good about how singing time went today.

I was a lot less nervous and had another fun poster for the kids to see.
The pioneers "magically" pushed their way from Illinois to Utah every time they sang well on a new song.
(Thanks to heavy duty magnets, it worked great.)
I'm not artistic, so I was pretty proud of how this poster turned out.

I wanted to tell the story about Dan's ancestor who was a pioneer from Utah to Canada and when asked if her six week trek was so so hard replied, "No! We had fun!"

So it was extra special when EC spent the day with us and wanted to come to Primary with me.
I asked her to tell the story and she captivated the kids!

When the chorister, you really have to embrace holidays.

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

We DO have wonderful pioneers in our family! I think it was such a good idea to have E.C. share this pioneer story in person to the kids in your primary. I love it!

AND you make a cute pioneer too!