Thursday, March 28, 2024


 I've been listening to a really lousy book the last few weeks.
Soooo depressing about a family of four--mom, dad, teen daughter and pre-teen son--
with POV's from each member over a year. 

It won several awards and was billed as "irresistibly funny" and no, it's not.
It's dark, crass and everyone just treats each other poorly.
I know that my book has a similar premise of a family struggling with grief and blame,
but there's hope, and that makes all the difference.

Since I've finished the book, I've been listening to inspirational podcasts, one after another.
I'm drinking them up like I simply can't get enough to refill my depleted bucket of 
uplifting audio material. 

I've especially enjoyed several Easter podcasts about Holy Week
and I've appreciated thinking about Christ's sacrifice the whole week, not just on one day.

We got this gorgeous flower arrangment from the company who made our custom couches
because the cushions were the wrong size, then the replacement cushions were sized even worse!

Fortunately they're being very forthright in remedying everything.
And these florals are a nice touch!

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