Thursday, February 25, 2021

So Much.

 Submitted two more chapters yesterday and today I received a lot of great feedback --very positive and also constructive but realizing I'm creating the exact feel I've been trying to achieve. This evening I had a meeting with my Write Or Die group reviewing another chapter, and felt like I was at a party in my honor where everyone said wonderful things about me (or, in this case, my writing). Also, for the sections that left them wanting more information or confused, received amazing suggestions and ideas of how to incorporate those details! Such a high!

On the other hand, it's been a madhouse around here today... the AV guys who started work yesterday anticipated finishing today, but will need time tomorrow too. They've had to take our whole server system apart and start from scratch reconnecting everything. Three guys moving around the house all day rewiring, testing different rooms with their computers, communicating by walkie talkie and asking me questions about logins and ip addresses that I cannot answer! Not to mention the internet down a lot of the day. (But SO grateful that they're here and figuring out and solving all our IT problems!!!!) 
Dan had a couple of men from work over for lunch and Nick brought a bunch of friends over after school. (Making more progress on the infamous shopping cart sled!)
 And our builder in Colorado was texting me the whole day with questions about appliances and concerns about a washer and dryer that won't fit. 

I moved from room to room trying to find quiet space to get work done on my next two chapters due Wednesday, but its felt a little futile. Spent more time responding to texts, researching and measuring washers and dryers, and trying to understand and answer WiFi questions.

With all the chaos, diving into emotional chapters in my book and then receiving heaps of praise 
(I may be exaggerating, but that's what it felt like, and I'm going to just enjoy feeling that for a while),
I was a bit overloaded by evening and my stomach was really hurting.

Because I learned at my colonoscopy/endoscopy on Monday that I have two ulcers.
I'm on omeprazole again, but honestly, I think its making it worse.

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