Friday, February 19, 2021

Settling Back In

 While we were basking in warmth, Nick and friends were building an igloo!

(Sidebar: Because of Covid, anything that could be removed from the rooms at the Fairmont, had been.
No throw pillows on couches, boxes for q-tips & cotton balls, bed bolsters or throw cover, 
no extra blankets or linens for fold-out couches. 
The extra blankets are helpful if its cool outside, but not too cold for working.
Used the robes and towels as blankets -- and they worked just fine.)

I needn't have worried that Nick would brave the elements and drive to school.
He's a good student, but also a teenager. Happy to have an excuse to skip.
While it was too snowy to drive to school, it wasn't too snowy to drive to his friends' house for breakfast.
But embrace snow days, I say!

He and his friends spent the rest of the day (Lizzie and Marty confirmed it was all day!) 
building an epic snow fort.
He felt so epic about it, he actually texted us photos saying, "Look what I did!"

Another "look what Nick did" moment: Dan texted him, "make sure to plow the driveway"
and got a response back saying, "I already did." Wow. 

It feels good to be home. The non-stop flight makes traveling not dreadful.
We were back in bed by 6:30 a.m. and Friday is distance-learning day, so Nick was sleeping in too.
Our bed was cozy, familiar, and the blankets the perfect weight.

After a few hours, we got up and started settling back in, including taking care of all the business of getting a Covid test and bowl prep necessities for my colonoscopy on Monday, going through two weeks of mail, and cancelling and ordering new credit cards and driver's license because 
I lost my wallet at the airport on the way out of town.
Have I mentioned that?
Yep. I bought sandwiches for everyone at Squatters, then mid-flight, I noticed the strap I clip my travel wallet to was empty! I took everything out of the bag, searched twice, stood on the seat to search the luggage compartment, got on the floor and searched around my seat, pulled up the cushions, and reached my hand into gross crevices, all to no avail.

Shout out to Kristin (and whoever invented in-flight texting) for calling Squatters, airport lost and found and also getting the information I needed to submit a lost item claim! She saved the day when I couldn't do any of those things from mid-air, yet was desperate to leave no stone unturned!

Let's also remember the TSA agent I spoke with once in Hawaii asking how I travel home without ID.
"You need to get to the airport REALLY early before your flight."
How early?
"REALLY early. In normal circumstances, people should be here two hours early. 
No one does, but they should.
They don't realize how long it could take to go through security and you shouldn't be rushed.
So you should be even earlier."
How early would you suggest?
"Here's the process, first get to the airport early. 
Don't wait in the pre-check line, you have to go to the normal line..." 
(I actually really liked him. He reminded me of me. Not quite getting to the point, but doing a great job of explaining in detail what to expect!)

And also remembering both that agent and the girl comparing covid test QR codes with ID's saying, 
"But don't you have your passport?"
No, because I was using my driver's license for ID.
"Yes, but are you sure you don't have a passport with you?"
I'm sure.

Fortunately we had neighbors coming to our same resort and they were able to get into our house and find my passport and bring it to me! It was pretty amazing that such a simple solution was available!

And...Remember how I hate my driver's license photo? I get a re-do!
(Also, may I suggest you get all your credit cards listed in their bank apps on your phone. Makes it SO easy to put a freeze if you've lost them and then order replacements if you need to!

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