Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nick's Best Day of His Life

Nick won a chocolate basket at Cottonwood's Halloween Carnival! The carnival was last weekend but he had to leave early so didn't hear who won the drawings. Do you remember how much you wanted to win something at the school carnival. I'm pretty sure I never did.

We got a message last night that Nick was a winner!

Nick's Day:
1) The chocolate basket was waiting for him when he got home from school today. It is HUGE!
2) Tonight is "Just Read Night" which means he doesn't have homework and instead reads his favorite book for 50 minutes.
3) Dan came home from work early to practice baseball with Nick because Nick got invited to play in a tournament with the super league team tomorrow because a bunch of their regular players are out of town this weekend.
4) One of Nick's best friends came over to play baseball with Dan and Nick and gets to stay late because Nick's reading is already done.

Nick announced that Today is the Best day of his life!


Kathy said...

Ethan said, "Nick is so lucky. He got the chocolate basket AND a whole slice of bread in the Sacrament tray!"

Anonymous said...

Well, there you go....What will it be like from here on out?! Poor Nick. He does look pretty darn happy, though.

Tiffany said...

Love that kid! Glad he had a great day! It's so fun to win things. He is such a cutie!