Sunday, April 07, 2013

Come Listen To a Prophet's Voice

Between General Conference sessions today we watched a documentary on the explosive growth of missionaries since the announcement 6 months ago that the age would be lowered. 
We had just watched 2 hours of conference, but everyone was glued to the TV for the next hour. (There were even a few clips of fellow Olympus students talking about their calls.)
A Mighty Band of Youth

Beautiful. Riveting. Contagious. Thrilling. Motivating. Inspiring. Energizing.

Courtney has not felt compelled to serve a mission. 
She's felt instead her mission will be away at college.  
Let Your Light So Shine.

Marty has felt the contagious Spirit as well. 
He was always going on his mission right after high school since he'll be 19. 
But he's excited that everyone else will now be going too.
Strength in Numbers.

Beautiful. Riveting. Contagious. Thrilling. Motivating. Inspiring. Energizing.

65,000 missionaries and 25,000 more by the end of the summer!
Spreading the joy and happiness of Christ's love and our 
Father in Heaven's Plan of Salvation to people throughout the world 
is an exciting wave to be a part of!

But then I had another thought I felt impressed to share with my children:
Satan is not going to just sit back and let this happen.
He is going to look for cracks in our spiritual armor.

But Conference had several themes that can help us :
We are not expected to be perfect. 
We do have to build strong foundations.
We have to be vigilant in doing the simple things that strengthen our testimonies 
and remind us that we are children of a Heavenly Father who loves us--
pray, read the scriptures, keep the commandments -- all of them.

It's been an inspiring two days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE to catch up on your blog!! What a full and beautiful life. Love your family!