Monday, July 23, 2007

Photos of Kids at Midnight

Here we are at Barnes & Noble -- the once-in-a-lifetime event of waiting for the LAST Harry Potter. I second-guessed myself all day as to wondering if it was really worth it to stay up until midnight in a crowded bookstore to get Harry Potter instead of just running down in the morning. To add to the insanity, of course I'd also agreed to take my 6- and 10-year-old (Marty can barely stay up untiil 9:00, let alone Midnight)!!

But as the time approached I was so excited! I'm glad I didn't miss it. Because the real point was not the little games or prizes but not having to wait one more second to read Harry's final adventure! So, it was well worth it.

We were accompanied by best friends -- Kathy, Jeff, Adam and Ethan. Kathy had an amazing Harry Potter party last year at Halloween and is planning the next. In addition she was the instigator of our fun Harry Potter book club (Yes, for adult women) which was a huge hit last year as we re-read all the books. Each meeting we looked forward to yummy lunches (Harry Potter themed, of course) and always a quiz about that book.

Courtney and Lexie weren't really in the Harry Potter partying mood. Surprisingly, because Courtney never goes to bed before midnight and was the child who we started out reading Harry Potter to when she was in 1st grade. She lost interest at the 5th book when I decided it was too long to read out loud and she was old enough to read it herself.

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