There is nothing that makes you feel more like an awkward jr. high kid all over again
than a huge burn from dropping the curling iron on your forehead.
I'm headed to Philly today to help Courtney move out of her Philly studio.
I should have worked on edits on the plane, but I read instead.
And I feel great about it.
Nick called right when I got off the plane.
Dan was tracking my flight and told him when I was available to talk to him!
Ha! Dan is always tracking everyone's flights.
So I sat in an empty seat in a waiting area and we had a great chat.
He loves his new area in Otovalo and is learning Kichwa,
the native indian dialect. My dad would be so proud.
Then I uber'd to Courtney, we went to dinner, and I got to see her apartment for the first time
since we toured the building eighteen months ago!
I'm having a sleepover with my baby girl who is having a baby girl.
As I drifted off to sleep and thought about years and years ago
when I'd spoon her in my bed in Argentina every afternoon at naptime so she would quiet down and rest.
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