On Sunday, my 2nd counselor in the Primary Presidency got called as the Young Women's President. She took my Secretary with her. The wonderful part is my daughter will now benefit from these amazing women. She absolutely loved her previous teachers and leaders -- they were wonderful examples and the girls could feel how much they loved and cared about them. And now her experience as a Young Woman will continue to be enriched by these new women who I know will love them just as much and have additional experiences to share with her.
Of course I trusted that the new leaders called would be wonderful. But I didn't realize I'd have to "let go" of these two women who I've learned so much from and relied on so much and who I've enjoyed a new friendship and bond with over the past year. And it's been really hard. I've alternated from a thrill of how much they have to offer my daughter and the other young women to tears the next minute because I will really miss working with them. I like change, but this one's been hard.
While I'm on the subject of spiritual things, Dan, Christopher and I attended the baptism of several of his friends on Sunday who turned 8 this past month. Christopher wasn't that excited to go because it meant putting his Sunday clothes back on and sitting in a church meeting for another hour. But we thought it would be fun for him to support his friends and also see what a baptism is like since he'll be getting baptized in April.
When the meeting started, the Stake Primary Leader talked about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost and mentioned, "You will feel the Holy Ghost when you're choosing the right." She said, "You may even feel the Spirit right now." And Christopher whispered to me in the most matter-of-fact way, "Yea, I do. Right now I feel warm right here near my heart. And mom, I felt this same feeling earlier today. Today when I paid my tithing I felt this same feeling."