Saturday, December 04, 2021

Winter Formal - Nick & Sara

Winter Formal!
Nick was asked by Sara B. in the ward who was one of my young women and who I just love!
A few days before she sent him a typed itinerary of their plans for the day.
He was excited to have such a detailed, fun plan.

In the morning they met at one of the girl's homes for breakfast then went shopping at Target for matching pajamas and white elephant gifts.
They were back home by noon, then at 5:00 were dressed in their "formal" attire to go to the dance.

The boys were thrilled with their matching Christmas pants, turtlenecks and chains look. 

Heidi & Chad dressed up as Santa Claus and served everyone dinner at Will & Lucy's house. 
After they went to the dance then to Graham's for games and making gingerbread houses. 

Nick had a really fun night. 

Meanwhile throughout the day my tongue was getting shredded from my missing crown.
I finally got online and discovered I could buy crown cement at the drugstore. 
Why didn't the endodontist/prosthodontist/dentist ever tell me this "just in case?!"
Once I got it temporarily fixed, my mouth has been much happier.


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