Saturday, December 18, 2021

Shaeffer Christmas Party

Everyone went skiing and I was going to ride the Peloton for exercise until I remembered that I have snowshoes and it was the most perfect day for tromping through the neighbor's yard!

The Shaeffer family Christmas party at Jo & Kelly's was so fun tonight!
Delicious dinner and great company.

Funnest group games -- left, right, center, keep with $$ on the line.

Chris won the pot of $80!

Next up was Tens (the dice game) in a 16 bracket championship where the winner took home a trophy!

And the winner goes to... COLIN!

We were all winners getting to enjoy how stinkin' cute Colin and Claire are. 
And Colin's reaction to winning was amazing.
Courtney's comment spoke for all of us when after we left she said,
"I can't believe what good sports they are! If it were me I'd probably pout. But they just had fun!"

Next up was white elephant gift exchange.

And finally, Christmas Karaoke, adding to last year's line-up the song "Christmas Bells," 
using the handbells which we've done in Primary a few times. So fun!

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