Thursday, December 09, 2021


 Doesn't show up in a photo, but this morning while I was reading scriptures,
(Luke, to kick off the holiday season),
it started to snow!

The snow kept coming and a couple hours later it covered the ground.
Holiday ride for my first time back on the Peloton since last Spring and although I prefer to be outside, 
I actually had a ball riding to Christmas music and for the first time ever doing a live class.
I was ultra motivated to keep passing people!

Also enjoyed a super festive day driving around in a snowstorm buying Christmas presents.

Sheree posted this throw-back to Dad and Diane's Sinterklaas party so many years ago. 
Nick's about 2, so 2007?! How everyone has changed!

Reposting for comparison!

Oh, and Chris tested positive for Covid. He's now taking up residency in the guest room and we're leaving him food to eat outside his door. Dan's not allowed near him but got tested today just in case. 
Great place to study for finals though! (And everything is online, so phew.)

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