Thursday, December 30, 2021

Quick Trip to Colorado

Quick trip to Denver to go apartment hunting with Marty and Lizzie.
We planned on leaving the airport at 6:30 a.m., but after we woke and showered,
learned the airport was closed until 9:30 while they plowed snow from the runway.
Used that time to take down the Christmas tree.

When we finally boarded, we sat on the runway until 11:00 waiting our turn.
And unfortunately we had to leave Colorado by 3:30 p.m. to get home before a storm in SLC.

We worked fast and toured four complexes.
The newest ones are nice with backsplash, granite and nice cabinets. 
Interesting that dining areas are very tiny or non-existent. (Opting for barstools at an island.)
But lovely communities with gyms, game rooms and pools. 

And neighbors with a Tyrannosauras Rex on the porch! 

It was a WINDY day with lots of turbulence going and coming.
But fun to see their new area, even if it wasn't enough time to really look around.
We arrived back in SLC with minutes to spare before getting rerouted due to low visibility.
So all-in-all, I'd say we were really fortunate in getting everything accomplished.

Met Lizzie's parents and Erica at Rodizios to celebrate Marty's graduation with their family.
Once again, aren't we lucky that the in-laws want to include us and we enjoy spending time together?

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