Sunday, December 12, 2021

Lizzie's Birthday!

Today is Lizzie's Birthday!
Lizzie is one of those people who asks you lots of thoughtful questions, is a great conversationalist 
and makes you feel like she really wants to get to know you and understand you better. 

She's talented in so many ways and is very modest about it.
 We're always learning new things about her talents: 
She competed in ice skating when she was younger and can do a beautiful twirl on skates. (I'll bet it has a name!) She performed in Hale Center Theater plays as a child. She took cake-making and decorating classes this year and makes beautiful, creative, delicious cakes. She plays the violin and piano, speaks Japanese and is a dedicated student -- never settling for less than her best effort.
I"m sure this goes for her as a teacher as well, working hard for her students, including going to their extra-curricular activities! I'm sure they LOVE Mrs. Shaeffer in 3rd grade!

She's great at games and has a competitive streak which is a perfect match for Marty!
I get the sense she always wants to be learning something new and challenging herself. 

She is kind, sweet and a loyal friend. I love hearing about her different friendships--
both long-time and new. She is a good sport, goes with the flow and is always up for anything.
I love her laugh and her willingness to pitch in. And that she's comfortable in our home! 
I love you, darling Lizzie! We're so glad we get you as part of our family.

Today was another great day. Woke up early so had time to listen to Handel's Messiah, read the New Testament, write in my journal and not be rushed before church.

Singing Time went great 
Started with bells as the "reverence song" with all the kids that didn't get a turn last week.
And surprisingly, gratefully, it went super smoothly.
Everyone loved the activity after--
punch through the tissue paper to find what song we're singing.
(Lizzie gave me the idea.) 

Sun was shining for a while today. I wish I captured the snow frozen in all the branches the last two days. I wanted to cling to it for a while. Next storm is coming later this week.

First present under the tree! (Nick's so on top of it!)

Church, fun singing time, tacos for lunch, F1 racing championship, nap.
Chris emerged for a little bit so we stocked him up on oranges, vitamin c, vitamin d, 
and Elderberry gummies.

Leftover dinner and Nick made THE BEST mashed potatoes with browned butter.
(Apparently he learned the recipe on Tik Tok.)
Honestly, they were comment-on-my-blog-about-it amazing.

I never want to forget these Christmas dinners in the festive dining room with Amy Grant serenading us, conversations about F1 and weight lifting and what goes on the Costco shopping list for Christmas break (lots of pre-cooked bacon, Izzes, shredded chicken, frozen berries, a box of oranges and grapefruit). 

Its the ordinariness which makes it so heart-wrenchingly beautiful.
Is it being in Primary surrounded by cute children that makes me so aware that that time of life is impossibly behind me, the last of teenager-hood fleeting, and pretty soon quiet dinners with just Dan and I will be the norm? I look forward to that too, but don't rush, don't rush, don't rush.

We watched The Chosen tonight, season 2, episode 3 and I think it's my favorite one yet. 
I was teary through the whole thing. 
The portrayal of his disciples as normal people like us, struggling to understand, grateful to know Him, so conscious of their shortcomings, wanting to be better, do better, but often overtaken by the natural man, wanting to ask questions but not wanting to impose, or bother him with their needs,
so, so good.

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