Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday is a Special Day

We saw Ford vs. Ferrari last night with our friends (and Dan's racing buddy). The guys were thinking this was probably the closest they'd ever get their wives to the racetrack. I actually wouldn't mind watching, it's just an hour drive to get out there and its really a guys day. So...

The movie was really good. 

It's not a Shelby Cobra or a Ferrari, but Dan and the boys still have fun racing.

Today Dan and I (and Kershaw) took a walk, but ended by walking through the river. There was more water than we anticipated (we even saw a good sized trout). But we adventured until we got to our house. Kershaw took a swim a couple of times on accident, but we stayed dry! 

Deep part. A fish is in this photo.
We've had a dry November which was good for getting outside work done today. Dan and Nick cleaned out the gutters, I covered the outdoor furniture and precariously balanced on a rain gutter off the master bedroom to clean it. Also cleaned out all the DI stuff that had been piling up in the garage. I got my writing done and we bought Dan new jeans.

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