Thursday, November 07, 2019

Daylight Savings Has Got Me Like...

I used to anticipate -- with desperation -- the time change and the extra hour of sleep we enjoyed at the end of October. One year when everyone was young, I got confused about it being the first week of October instead of the end. I was counting down, needing that extra hour so bad, and when I realized it was actually several weeks off, I cried. I literally cried.

Then they (the government?) moved it back an additional week. More waiting. But gratefully it still arrived -- and the extra sleep was blissful.

So usually this is the best week ever. But apparently, I'm getting old. Because now instead of being excited about the extra hour in the morning, I'm dreading having to stay up until an appropriate time to go to bed!

We went to Hale theater on Monday and were out until 10:30 (11:30 normal time) and I was dying at how late it felt. Tuesday I planned better and was in bed by 9:30 reading. Last night we had our YW board meeting here until 10:30 again! I didn't get into bed until after 11:00 (midnight!) and had the worst night's sleep.

I'm old. I need my sleep. (And if we could fix Dan's snoring/noisy breathing problem, that would help too.)

Kershaw is feeling it too:

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