Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Christopher Update

Dan talked to Chris for a few minutes yesterday -- 
Chris didn't have time to write, and I missed his call, but I did get this cute text:

Here's the update he gave Dan:
Chris loves his house. They were at the ZL's again this week and he said they have holes in their roof and it was raining this week so he's grateful to have a good roof over his head.
(Last week he said I'd be very happy to hear he cleaned the bathroom. 
He was certain it hadn't been cleaned since before he got there (at least six weeks ago.)
Hair was everywhere in the shower and it was disgusting, 
but he kept working until it was clean. And then he washed his hands seven times.
Yep, I was proud.)

His companion quit showering a few days ago and resorted to bucket showers because real showers are just too cold. Chris held out for a few more days, but yesterday made the switch because he can heat the water on the stove if he bucket showers.

It's been really cold (high 50's) so he's sooo happy to have the warm coat he and Dan splurged on.
Also, a friend advised us to get a sleeping bag liner because her son only had sheets in Mexico -- no blankets. Christopher said he's so glad he has it. He sleeps in it every night and stays really warm.
 Getting out of bed in the morning when its so cold is hard, he slept in a couple times until 6:45.
 (I'm guessing they don't have heat.)

Last week out tracting they came on a family -- a dad and his children. 
They were welcomed into their home and but when they were teaching, all the family cried.
Chris and his companion are under the impression they've just gone through a tragedy, but he doesn't know what. They are going back to teach them again.

Got these photos from last summer at Pagosa on the mom group text today. Cutest boys!

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