Monday, November 18, 2019

Family History I Am Doing It

(I'm not sure why these old Primary songs are suddenly in my head and making debuts in my titles... but fun memories for all of us!)

We had our YW semi-monthly presidency meeting today which is always an epic two - three hour event. Dan dies that we meet for so long, but frankly, I enjoy it. I block the time on my calendar and we get a lot accomplished, but also take time to chat. It's nice to get to know each other on a personal level by chatting about our ups and downs. And we always have a lot to work on for Young Women's, so they are productive and fun.

Right after I headed downtown to the Family History Library to get help on the Regenscheit family. It was my first time there and I loved how welcoming and friendly everyone was. Even to the extent of having people who could read German!

We found a marriage record for Johann and Klara Fink with tons of information. It had been indexed, but she helped me see where all the information was found, and what resources to use to decipher genealogical documents (like Wiki that give you common German genealogical names/numbers/etc.).

We took a long time going through that document and standardizing some dates and places. But when we went to attach the document to the Fink's FamilySearch info, it had already been attached by Michelle the day before! Quite a few had actually and as it turns out she is quite a genealogist who figured out everything on her own. I am very impressed! (I think she was late to church though. ;-)

In the end, the Catholic Parish records only went to 1900. My helper said they probably hadn't released updated ones since they're too recent. I have to wait until they do. OR, try to connect with the one German relative I know about on Facebook.

So I didn't do much to be helpful. But it was an interesting experience.

(P.S. Remember when the song was "Genealogy, I am doing it?")

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