Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hermione and God

Last week felt crazy busy! By Thursday I was exhausted but not sleeping well at night. Friday I was completing tasks almost as quickly as more were getting added. Saturday I had to stick to a strict schedule literally minute to minute. By Sunday I was just hanging on until the end of the night.

And in spite of the intensity, I was able to get everything done I wanted to, enjoy my responsibilities and even complete the "extras" that seemed impossible to add in. The only way I can comprehend how it all worked out is either I had Hermione's time-turner giving me extra time, or God was blessing me with extra time. I think it was a little bit of both.

The time-turner is a human (or wizard) explanation for inexplicably being able to fit more hours in the day -- but probably more accurately attributed to God.

Even when I thought I couldn't function without a nap because I hadn't slept well, I had the energy to exercise and do my responsibilities. On Thursday, I saw a sign for a 30 minute $30 foot massage. I'd been on a long hike on Mt. Olympus that morning, and knew that would be the perfect opportunity to relax without napping.

On Friday, Dan and I wanted to go down to Morgan's meet. To maximize our time, I picked him up from the airport on the way home from his day trip. But that meant I needed to leave the house at 3:30--an hour earlier than I'd been planning, and cutting into the time I was allocating to get other stuff done. I needed to individually text all the girls in my young women's class with their specific phrase from the new theme and questions for them to consider as they prepared to teach what that phrase meant to them on Sunday. And I had to do it Friday because we were at the temple all afternoon Saturday and I wanted them to have a little heads-up.

I had the great idea (I was prompted with the great idea) to copy and paste their sections from my computer into the text app, then text them to myself. Then I would have time to decide which girl would be best for each part and could forward the phrase and questions to the correct girl and individualize the message from my phone in the car (while Dan was driving) on the way down to Provo. I finished just as we pulled up to the natatoriam (is that the correct word fancy word for swimming pool?).

Saturday we set our alarms early so Dan and I could bike together and be home in time for Jacob's game, then get ready for me to take the Young Women to the Jordan River Temple (and give the temple spotlight). We'd chosen noon for our visit hoping that the crowds had died down. Other weeks there were five hour waits for baptisms in the early morning!! When we arrived, it was quiet and peaceful. Only a few other people besides our group waiting for baptisms. We were able to enjoy our time together without feeling nervous about waiting too long.

I was able to exercise each day, read my scriptures and say prayers without being rushed, accomplish my goal of writing 2000 words a day (about 2 hours of work each day), prepare my lesson, include the girls, take them to the temple, drive carpool, visit with Clara, get my hair colored and cut, host a couple of events and even do the laundry and put it away! Today we had The Chipana family and The Rigby's over for Sunday dinner.

When everyone went home, I wasn't feeling any good ideas for my writing for the day. But I pressed on, figured something out and finished by 10:30 p.m. Finishing my goal and being consistent all week was totally satisfying. It felt a bit like limping to the finish line since I don't think what I wrote was that impressive. But its still getting words on paper.

I have been blessed this week. Possibly because I was so busy, I stayed more focused. But I know somehow, God granted me more time. And prompted me with ideas to maximize my time. And blessed me with extra energy to accomplish my goals. I am grateful.

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