Monday, January 20, 2025

The Cutest Icicle

Emi's first ski day ended up being a frigid 1*!
We were all bundled so much we felt every bit the marshmallow she looked.

Emi had a lot of support with her mom and dad encouraging her
and Grammy, Papa and Uncle Chris cheering her on.

When she was tired and cold, hot chocolate came to the rescue!

I took Emi back to the condo so Marty & Lizzie could ski a few runs together and 
Dan & Chris could hit it hard.

Emi and I returned her skis on our way back to the condo.
Emi: Grammy, tell him to put my rainbow skis by the other rainbow skis.
Me: That looks like where yours go because they all match. 
But he's in charge so we're going to let him do his own plan.

We were going to play some more rounds of grocery store,
but Nick called and we got to hear all about his new area near Otovalo.
(He loves it. Gorgeous views, a big ward, a great comp. 
Members feed you lunch. Doesn't even bother him that he doesn't have hot water here either.)

The view from his bedroom window.

Pretty soon Marty and Lizzie arrived home (frozen) and
Dan and Chris joined the call from a food shack (also frozen).
Look at my three boys all together!

After lunch, Marty and Lizzie packed up and left for home.
Chris and Dan were kind enough to come back out with me for a few runs.
We rode the gondola up so we could stay warm for longer and skied the runs close to home.

My feet definitely feel better with the insoles and my thighs appreciated the break yesterday.

Then we packed up and said goodbye to our Colorado ski adventure.

Kershaw stayed with Morgan this weekend and had her dog, Louie
and a couple of neighbor dogs that looked just like him!

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