Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I watched the debate (for the first time in my life, I think), because I do not know who to vote for.
And when I ask in my prayers to bless our country or to help me to know who to vote for,
it seems disingenuous if I don't do my part.

Well, it was bad and it was ugly. Both men turned to name-calling and insults.
Not very becoming of a man who wants to lead the country.
You expect it from Trump. He's a bully. But I was disappointed that Biden stooped to that level. 

The Good was harvesting tomatoes from the garden and making pasta sauce.
It was sooooo easy!
Tomatoes, one bell pepper (cut in fourths) and 4 cloves of garlic drizzled with olive oil and 
a generous amount of salt and pepper. Half the larger tomatoes and put cut side down.
Bake at 425 for 20 minutes or until skin blisters. 
Remove skin from larger tomatoes with tongs (comes right off), but leave the cherry tomatoes.
(The Blendtec obliterates skins and seeds.)

Dump it all in the Blendtec. Add basil, oregano, salt and pepper. 2 tsp sugar.
Blend. Pour into jars and freeze. See? Sooooo easy!

Ate it with sausage and zucchini noodles! It was torture to try to save some for Nick while he was at work!

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