Saturday, September 26, 2020

Rain, Town and Phelps Lake

The forecast predicted a chance of rain today, but we hoped they'd be off and on drizzles.
We were all packed up with our hiking packs/lunches/water bottles, got to bed early-ish and slept in, had eaten a hearty breakfast for our long and steep hike, but when we walked out the door, it was pouring.

Who wants to go on a long hike in the mud and rain? Not me.
And we didn't ask, but I'm pretty confident that three 15-year-olds didn't either.
We turned right back around and said, "Looks like we're going to town."
(The boys enjoyed shopping much more than I thought they would! 
So they were eager to have more time in town after just 45 minutes yesterday.)

Dan and I split up from the boys and took a few hours looking in shops around the square. It was raining the entire time. Then called the boys and had them meet us for lunch at Jackson Drugs burgers and shakes. Cute Nick said, "Well, we could just eat our lunches we already packed." Which would have been fine if we were on a hike in the mountains, but we were in town and had better options. 

The BEST tater tots I've had ever! (Normal flavor, just Perfectly crisp!)

After lunch we wanted to explore some more, so drove up to Jenny Lake. The boys had an afternoon slump by this point so we found a place to see the lake that didn't require any walking. It was gorgeous!  

Dan had a 4:00 business call but the rain had stopped and he had the idea to take the call while we did the short hike we had originally planned for tomorrow. One mile to Phelps Lake overlook. He had just enough reception to make it happen, and the boys were good sports about taking a hike they hadn't planned on. (Finding a bathroom at the trailhead helped.) 

It wasn't very steep and a quick pace to the lookout. We found out that if we hiked the mile down to the lake, there was a rock great for jumping off into the lake. But it was pretty cold today and the trail was much steeper down to the lake. So no one was really up for climbing back up after jumping in. Next time.

We arrived back to Teton Village just in time to see an exotic car rally show up. 

The rest of the night we spent at the hot tub and sauna then watching shows on Dan's laptop.
We thought the boys may be up for a movie, but they ended up spending a long time in the sauna. 
Then found wings for dinner at the restaurant. 

Dan and I had some alone time to chill and the boys had their time to chill. 
In spite of the rain, it was another perfect day.

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