Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Funday

Dan and I ran into friends (who are also our new neighbors) when we started out on our walk. We walked together through the neighborhood, got stuck behind a gated street without a code to get out, and then realized we were late getting home to get ready for church and decided to cut through our backyard neighbor's yard. Only the river was surprisingly high after being practically empty all summer.

We had to take off our socks and shoes and wade across. Great way to start off a Sunday with morning adventures and friends!

After church (in person!), we listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir channel and a song from Oliver came on. Of course that inspired me to want to hear all of the Oliver songs (one of our four favorite records as children). Dan had never seen the movie before, so we started to watch. 

In the middle of the movie, Nick wanted to take a drive. (Meaning, he wanted to drive his car for a while.) He drove us up Big Cottonwood Canyon. The leaves are already brown on many of the trees. That was a fast change, fall! 

Lots of other cars were headed up the canyon too, but Nick did a great job. He's already a great driver -- even with stick shift! He wanted all the windows open and we wanted to continue listening to Sunday music, so we did both, and Nick was a really good sport about it.

When we got home, we got our roast chicken and vegetables in the oven (it's so easy in the steam oven!)
and then watched the Cowboys highlight reel. Cowboys won!

After dinner, Chris and his new companion, Elder Miller, called to teach us a lesson on prophets, the restoration, and preparing for general conference. He's a great teacher -- I love talking to him when he calls on Mondays and Fridays, but I also really love when he teaches us lessons on Sundays.

When the lesson was over, Dan and I took dinner to Marge and Nick helped his friend whose muffler had come off his car (or been stolen or broken...never quite understood that part of the story).
They wanted to put it on the car lift in the garage and check it out.

Amidst all of the activity throughout the day, it was a nice, relaxing day. 

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