Thursday, September 10, 2020


The leaves are changing!
It's still cold here and I had to bundle up for the first half of my ride. 
(Then had to shed my gloves, hat and arm warmers after 20 minutes!)

Nick stayed home sick today and got a good sleep in and was feeling much better when he woke up.
He made himself a smoothie, which I was happy about, until he told me 
he'd added Red Bull to give him some energy. 💁

But he did get creative with the felled pine tree.

It was pretty cold today at the house, but being without power and heat for so long, 
Dan took the time to figure out the fireplaces which warmed up the main level quite a bit
and made everything really cozy.

I also had lunch with Jenny and Carol today at Carol's house.
There's nothing better than forever friends.

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