Saturday, September 12, 2020

Nifty Fifty



We climbed Mt. Olympus to the summit (not just the saddle) for my birthday! It was awesome! Super challenging and hard, but not overwhelming. I was so proud of us for getting to the top. Dan said he had a pep talk ready if I wanted to stop at the summit to convince me we needed to go to the top since it was my birthday! Ha, ha! Glad he thought it was as important as I did!

Dan decorated and bought new balloons (even though we saved the balloons from his birthday) and even bought a helium tank to put more air in the old ones. So thoughtful!

Nick also went to Homecoming.
Well, not real homecoming, but his friends' version.
They went to Fat Cats in the day (while we were still hiking), then came home to change into their dress clothes, then took pictures at the capitol, ate dinner at Spaghetti Factory and then abandoned their plan to go to Classic Skating because it was already 9:00 when they finished dinner, and went to a friends' house to hang out. He had a great time and their pictures turned out so cute!!

While they were at homecoming, Dan and I went to dinner at Nuch's with the Rigby's.
A great way to spend the evening. I always love being with them!

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