Friday, June 26, 2020

Trips and Vets

While I laid out by the pool and read all day, Dan took Chris and a few neighbors to the desert to ride Sierra's. Kershaw had to be outside all day too because he's been sick, sick, sick. And I've had to clean up SO much throw-up and diarrhea. We finally had to restrict him to his crate or to outside so he didn't sneak off to the sunroom and guest room and make a mess. And cover the laundry room floor with puppy pads. (Which worked pretty good -- he tried to use them at least.) But sitting out with him by the pool, reading my book on the Shamu ledge and jumping in to cool off more than made up for the "messy" week!

Nick got home from Chicago today. He had such a great time! Thanks to Michelle for sending photos!


After picking up Nick from the airport, Dan decided to take Kershaw to the emergency vet. We were pretty convinced he'd gotten sick from getting into the teenager's Meier's Chicken bags left in the basement. Dan did some research and thought a chicken bone must have nicked his stomach causing bleeding in his stomach. We definitely thought his poop did have a dark, tarry nature that was actually blood. He'd now been sick for a a week.

So Dan spent the rest of the night a the dog vet confirming exactly this. They did x-rays and were able to see he didn't have any blockages or bones still in him. So with some medicine, they sent them both home. 

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