Monday, June 01, 2020

Evening Exercise

I've spent several hours on the phone talking wedding plans the last few days. But I also had some time to sit in my office, think about my writing and organize my research/rough drafts and some of my thoughts. (Not all of them, because there are tooooo many. Thoughts.)

In the evening, after dropping off Nick at work, I hiked a couple miles up the Lake Blanche Trail. (Dan was up at the lake putting the boat in the slip with Chad.) Felt so great to be on the trail. The evening is a really great time to get out and exercise. Who knew? I've been so fixed on my "exercise in the morning" structure, it took me a while to consider that evening exercise was even an option. (Of course, with so much happening in evenings, it hasn't been an option for all of my mom-life until now.)

I crossed the bridge, walked along the RUSHING river, passed lots of people headed down, saw fist-size silky cocoons with multiple moving caterpillars inside, turned around at the waterfall view (the 2 mile mark), jumped back when a small garter snake crossed my path, and at the bottom of the trail saw a large rabbit.

Dan had Thai food waiting for us when I got home and we ate by the pool, Chris joined us for a bit to chat, and then Dan and I swam before Chris' friends all came over to get in the pool. It feels good to climb into bed at 10:30 exhausted.

Also, Jake is finally home from Cape Verde. All of Sigma Uce are now home except Jon in California and Austin in Indiana. (They're having a tough time still out right now. Can't say that I blame them.) But Luke leaves mid-June. But it's fun to see them altogether again! Who could have ever predicted this? A mission summer vacation.

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