Thursday, June 04, 2020

Bells Canyon Hike

I only worked a little bit today. My stomach was in knots over a new program our Bishop and YW President want to introduce to the girls. I'm getting to so tired of introducing "fun programs" that are actually a lot of work, a lot of supervision, and might be fun but will probably be one more "to-do."

Jenny, Carol and I had a plan to meet for lunch in our backyard and it was so good to be with them again. We are determined to not let so much time pass in between get-togethers.

This evening, Dan and I hiked Bells Canyon to the waterfall. I've only been once before but was surprised to see it was the same elevation gain as the two miles (only partial way) I hiked to Lake Blanche the other night. I remembered the trail being a lot more flat. 

Two deer just meandering down our street.

I also remembered the reservoir at the first surrounded by dry vegetation and looking desolate.
But it was actually beautiful.
After the climb .6 mile hike to the reservoir, the trail goes into the trees and is pretty flat. 
After the next mile and a quarter we'd only gained 900 ft of elevation. 

And then you hit an ascent that feels like the end of Mt. Olympus. Like climbing stairs.
It was definitely intense, but just when you think, "Am I even on the right trail?"
it flattens out and a sign directs you to the waterfall.

It was pretty rewarding!
Also, so many wildflowers in purples and yellows. Made me think of Courtney and Michael's wedding. They want bouquets of wildflowers.

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