Monday, June 15, 2020

If At First You Don't Succeed

After taking last week off to recuperate, I'm excited to get back on my write in the morning, 
exercise in the afternoon schedule. 

Chris wanted me to schedule him a massage before he goes back on his mission and a visit with the chiropractor. I'm not sure what gave him the chiropractor idea, but I made an appointment for myself as well. I've been curious about the chiro at Andrea's (massage therapist) clinic. He specializes in sports injuries and rehabilitation.

My appointment was today. My lower back has been excruciating on my bike rides, preventing me from going very far. Michelle (my PT) researched exercises to strengthen the lower muscles, but they felt even more fatigued rather than stronger. 
And last week after lying down reading for longer than usual, my hips and back hurt even worse.

So at the chiropractor today he diagnosed 26 of 100 muscles that weren't firing properly. 
He "activated" two and told me to resume all normal activities to see if it felt better.

After the appointment, I got ready to ride, and discovered I had a flat tire.
It was completely flat. I was sure it had a hole because it doesn't leak that much air in just a week's time. I flipped the bike over and got to work fixing the tire. It's not hard and doesn't take that long. Fortunately, I wasn't in a hurry so I could take the time. 

I found a tiny spot in the tire where the tiniest fragment of glass had pierced the tire. 
Pulled it out. Replaced the tube. Got the tire back on.
 But it wouldn't inflate. With every pump, I could hear air leaking.

So I started all over again. And this time checked that the tube held air before putting it back together.
Finally, I was ready to go. 45 minutes after I'd originally planned on leaving.
But I did it. And I was pretty proud of myself.

The best news was (besides the tire staying inflated and the wheel staying locked in place),
was I had zero back pain! It was my short ride 
(10 miles down Holladay Blvd, past the Old Mill and around Wasatch to 45th and home),
but I've been feeling it even on a short ride lately. 

(I rode in the road on 45th to avoid cars pulling out of the streets. I know I was holding one car up a little, so at the light, stopped to apologize. He was very gracious, not angry at all, and instead said, "You know you were going 40?! Cool!")

I got home at 6:30 and threw together a delicious spaghetti dinner (cooked the sausage, sautéed green beans and mushrooms, broiled garlic bread -- literally, the works),
for me and Dan, Nick and four friends.

So, yeah, basically I'm Wonder Woman.

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