As an act of submission to the HORRIBLE WEATHER and in an effort to regain some sanity, I laid on my bed and read two books most of the day. I had the house to myself for two hours after dropping Nick off at preschool. It was deliciously quiet and I wonder if anyone can appreciate being alone more than a mom can?!
I traded off between "Lady's Hands, Lion's Heart; A Midwife's Saga" by Carol Leonard and "Espresso Tales" by Alexander McCall Smith. I'm a huge fan of Smith and the #1 Ladies Detective Agency Series as well as 44 Scotland Series. They're just reliably good stories -- fun, conversational dialogue and interesting characters. The Midwife Saga was her autobiography of becoming a midwife after her frustrating hospital birth experience and hundreds of stories of helping women in their home births as well as her crusade to have midwifery accepted and legalized in the State of New Hampshire. The stories are beautiful and seriously made me wish I could enjoy the excitement of having another baby.
I picked up Nick and friend from school and soon after Courtney and many friends came over. The quiet afternoon came to an abrupt end. BUT the two big boys went to birthday parties and Nick's friend wanted to go home. As we were walking out the door, another of Nick's friends asked if he could play. Yes! With all the boys gone, the girls took over the kitchen/public places, so I retreated to my room for more reading/relaxing time. I finished both books, ordered pizza for the friends and fam and then finally had a shower at 5:30.
A good day!