Monday, October 07, 2024

To-Dos and Too Bad

I have a big to-do list this week,
including re-reading my entire book for the final proofreading round.

I've read it soooo many times cover to cover, cleaning up typos, eliminating filter words and adverbs and repeated words, clarifying scenes with description or deleting description for clarity.
And every time I think, ta-da! it's perfect! 
A few months go by and I read it again and I find so much more to improve.

I didn't make too much progress on my proofreading; however,
because I had a long list of other responsibilities.
Including going to the chiropractor to work on my tennis elbow and make 
potato corn chowder for the Bywater's Pumpkin carving party tonight.

At the chiro he discovered a tear in my bicep and a lot of scar tissue that 
he worked on with the scraper. It was painful. I am tough.
And because I can relax through a lot of discomfort,
He dug very deep and now I'm very bruised.

The Potato Corn and Sausage chowder was a big hit, like last year.
And if you don't have this kitchen device for dicing potatoes, get yourself one, stat!

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