Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Wandering Prague

Our trip is coming to a close and this morning we packed for the final time and
checked out of our AirBnb.

Once again we found a place that would store our bags for the day.
However, the place we reserved and paid for online was closed!
Fortunately we found another place right around the corner.
Dragging our luggage over cobblestone streets required patience and a positive attitude!

Speaking of a positive attitude, I forgot to mention that we talked to Nick yesterday!
He's moved into his apartment and feeling more settled and happy.
They do have running water and even hot water if you catch it at the right time.
They've been contacting at the park and he's speaking his invitation opener in Spanish really well.
"Perdon, tienes tiempo para un mensaje muy rapido?"
(I'm not sure if that's exactly right, but its the gist -- do you have time for a quick message?)
He's hoping to explore new parts of their area this week.

Ethan is on the move from the Mexico MTC to Argentina today, but was only able to talk for a second because the wifi in the Mexico airport wasn't great.
And last night Sarah & Scott talked to their missionary when we were at home.
Missionary Mondays are so fun.

Crepes for breakfast -- savory and sweet. They were pretty good,
but with a thick layering of boiled spinach on a buckwheat crepe was unexpected.

We wandered across the St. Charles bridge and up the tower for new views of the river.

then went in search of the three most beautiful libraries and peeked into some cathedrals as well.

Super cool book tower. 

Walked through the farmer's market for tchokies.

With time left to go back up to Prague Castle to the Strahov Monastery to see the dodo bird.

The museum of curiosities ended up being super cool!

And took our final walk through the castle complex on our way home.

One more pic of darling streets. Photos don't capture it.

And we surprised ourselves happening upon the John Lennon Wall
just around the corner from our AirBnB.

Tonight we fly from Prague to London where we sleep in the airport hotel
then catch our individual flights back to the States.
This trip has been the funnest adventure and so fun to share it with my sister
and fun new friends.
We're so glad they let us tag along!

Forgot to mention one final dessert and hot chocolate
(if you don't count all the chocolate I'm bringing home with me)
at Cafe Kafico, recommended for the best Honey cakes and drinks.
The milk chocolate with whipped cream was delish.
And we had a lively discussion over what type of book we'd write
(Emily loves books too), where you'd partake of each of these drinks:

And finally, isn't "Notebooky" the best word for laptop?!

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