Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Dubrovnik is the town where Game of Thrones was filmed.
I've never seen it, but Brent and Todd were fans which made for lots of fun facts on our walking tour,
aside from the history.

I would have loved to have an extra day in Dubrovnik.
We arrived just after lunch and had enough time for a walking tour, gelato at Gianni's
circumnavigate the city walls before they closed, dinner, a tiny bit of wandering before the shops closed
and another round of gelato at Peppino's. 
I wanted another full day for wandering and shopping and eating. 

Entering the walls through Pile Gate:

Looking backwards:

Main Street

Filling water bottles the traditional way.

The city walls are four feet thick. Our guide took us through a little door that was built
more recently and we suddenly were transported oceanside!

After our tour, we stopped in the monastery pharmacy to buy locally made skin creams.
The other tour group met us there as well and we got shushed a few times.
This group loves to joke around and are so fun to be with.

Beautiful sidewalks and streets.

Next, up and down the walking path on the city walls.

Wandering through the city streets:

I knew Brent would come shopping with me in the candy store.
Bev did too.

Dinner with Kitty & Ian, Bev & Todd, Michelle & Brent and us.
We love our cruise manager, Dora, who takes care of all tours and reservations.
Todd & Brent have been friends forever in Chicago and Dan has found a new kindred spirit in Todd.
It's so fun to get to know the Smith's, Carters and Horsleys better!
We've heard about them all our lives and feel like we're already friends. And now we really are.

We communicate for all group things on What's App.
Breakfast is buffet or special order in the morning. 
A lot of people have started skipping (like me and Dan!) and sleeping in.

Lunch is a four-course meal on the ship! Salads, 1st course, 2nd course and dessert!
With two exceptions, dinner is on our own at restaurants at our stops.
Today we got a notice that lunch was getting cold.
Everyone hurried to the dining room because no one wants to be rude.
But it's not easy to eat so much "first thing" in the morning! ha!

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