Monday, September 02, 2024

So Long, Farewell

Doesn't it seem like no matter how late you leave, 
you spend the whole day cleaning or getting ready to leave?

The boys did get in some more fishing and the girls 
had more long chats.

We left in time to have an hour in town to see where Jason's family ranch was
(27,000 acres near Walmart and the Wyndam)
and drive by the hot springs and stop at the new candy store in town.

We'd coincidentally just been reminiscing about old candy favorites,
and they had them all -- Violet Crumble, Big Hunk, Chick o stik, Cow Tales and more.

We've been in Pagosa for almost two weeks and the time has melted away.
It's such a beautiful place and even more fun to share it with friends,
because they always absolutely love it!

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