Sunday, September 22, 2024

Prague: The Music!

We had to be off the ship by 9:00 a.m, but we ran much later as everyone was exchanging contact information and instagram handles and taking photos for contacts.
Eventually we got off, but then milled about the pier directly in front of the boat
hugging, taking more photos and delaying goodbyes.

We had a few hours to tour Split before our flight. 
I've learned that many big cities have places to store your luggage temporarily
which was super convenient.

We toured the castle complex and paid extra to see the basement,
the treasury, baptistry and catacombs. 
But the rest of the space was open to the public. 
To be clear, the castle was simply public space with shops and everyday life happening 
within its walls. 

By noon, it was time to catch our cabs to the airport and continue our travels to Prague.
We're traveling with the Pauls, Smiths, Horsleys and Riches and I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.

Also just mind blowing that we're visiting what was a communist country when I was growing up.
And the source of fear of every 5th grader in Mr. Fornelius' class -- if he was your teacher, one of your spelling words would be Czechoslovakia. I worked so hard learning to spell it before school even started.
Aunt Marge helped me practice while I bounced on the trampoline so it would really be stuck in my head.
And it was! I've never been afraid of spelling Czechoslovakia since.
But of course now, it's just Czech. And Slovakia is another country entirely.

The flight from Split, Croatia to Prague, Czech was just over an hour.
I'm fantasizing about a European itinerary... two days in Dubrovnik. Two days in Prague.
Two days in Romania, etc. With such short, cheap flights you can easily see so much of Europe,
that I never even realized had tourism before this trip. I know that makes me sound dumb, but its true! 

We parked our bags in the AirBnb and headed out to explore and find dinner.

We've had such delicious meals on this trip and eaten outside 75% of this time which is my favorite.

Crossing the St. Charles bridge into Old Town.

Stained glass and churches everywhere.

We saw a sign for a concert and decided, why not? 
Who doesn't love Vivaldi and the concert was only an hour!
Later we realized there are concerts in every church at every time of day.
And I suspect they are all equally as good! 
The greatest hits of classical music performed by members of the Royal Czech Orchestra.
I wouldn't mind spending an hour every evening at a concert. 

The violin soloist was magnificent. Especially watching him get into the dynamics.
The songs Marty played always bring me to happy tears. 

Next stop, the Old Town Square and famous Astronomical Clock.

Wandering through the square and finishing the evening with Czech's famous
chimney cake for dessert. Cinnamon & sugar dough, rolled into a cone filled
with strawberries and chocolate and topped with soft serve.
(I hope that created an amazing image in your mind, because I forgot to take a picture!)

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