Friday, May 01, 2020

Wedding Prep!

I started with a hike to Desolation Overlook with KT. A good hike and we had so much to talk about that before I even realized it we rounded the corner and were at the overlook!
(Drama of differing opinions in Young Women's. The phrase, "Help me to understand your perspective" came to mind after praying as a helpful way to open a discussion." 
Thank you, Holy Ghost.
Unfortunately, it didn't work. Gotta put that on the back burner for now.)

All this week two or three lighting guys were here -- 
today they finished up by putting "twinkle" lights in the smaller trees.
The bistro lights were designed that we can keep them up all year long or take down in the winter.
I had them fabricate a "sleeve" so the poles holding the lights could be taken down when not in use. 

Heidi and her crew has been here all week planting flowers in the beds and containers.
The yard crew came to give a fresh mow.
Chris and friends pulled the rocks out of the last irrigation pool and cleaned up the mud,
washed the rocks and replaced them.

I spent half the day trying to figure out how to get wrinkles out of the satin tablecloth.
I should have googled it. But in the end when the iron started leaking brown water, 
I just left the wrinkles and decided no one will care.

I worked on different dinner seating arrangements for 16 in the dining room.
So happy with how the table settings worked out. A couple of weeks ago I found a great deal online for the chargers, tablecloths and napkins and they were shipped in plenty of time too.

By the end of the night, I had the table set and ready to go!

We really got fancy with TWO glasses per setting. Seriously, it made me so happy 
to have a glass for water and a glass for sparkling cider. Little details!

We moved the furniture from the patio and opened the umbrellas.
Tomorrow we've got a lot of work to do hosing down all the patios and walkways from all the muddy footprints of people working. But the yard looks so good!
Perfect timing with the leaves on the trees and everything so green. 
The weather has been good so we shouldn't have risk of the plants freezing.
(Usually we don't plant until Mother's Day.)

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