Wednesday, May 20, 2020

That's an OJH Wrap

Nick graduated today!

It was kind of an anti-climactic ending to the school year, but he didn't mind. 
I'd planned on taking him over to the school and take his photo by one of the many signs. 
But he didn't want me to go -- he wanted to turn in his books and hang out with his friends.
I get it. I'm sure I felt the same way in 9th grade. 

Fortunately I knew one of my friend's would be there helping hand out t-shirts and she would take a photo. She did, but I regret not getting more of him by different signs.  Although, if I'm being honest, I'm not sure he would have been willing to let me get more than one anyway. So it's fine.

Here's the best part. Usually the end-of-year awards assembly is pretty big for the 9th graders. Lots of awards for leadership, grades, class distinctions etc. This year they just did an award from the classes, and a leadership award given to one boy and one girl from each grade. Nick got the award! 

Wow! I'm super proud of him. He is a leader. He's loyal to his friends and he's kind to everyone. He doesn't show-off to get attention. He's a disciplined student and respects his teachers. He doesn't necessarily love all of his teachers, but he is respectful regardless. At parent teacher conference, his teachers told me they love him in class. He participates and has thoughtful questions. Also, he takes his responsibilities seriously (as Teachers Quorum President, for instance). He also has great ideas. And he's able to talk to adults comfortably and act mature.

Bravo, Nick! I secretly would have loved to have been sitting with him in the audience when they announced his name, to see his surprise, to enjoy that "they chose me?!" with him, and get to have that proud mom moment in the audience. (I guess wanting the public acknowledgment is wanting that "look at me" moment. But everyone needs that once in a while--especially for their kids!) But I can imagine it in my mind and I'm it just makes me smile thinking of it. And cry a little bit too because I love him and who he is so much.

He also got two other class awards for excellence in Manufacturing Technology and Art. And look! Curtis got Excellence in Science! Way to represent, Shaeffers!

The group came over today after they were done handing in their books
and at pizza, skateboarded and celebrated the last day together.

1 comment:

CarolF said...

So cool!!! I am impressed with those Shaeffer genes. Nicely done, boys.