Monday, May 18, 2020

Signs of the Season

I let Nick have three friends over today. And let them come in the house. 
For the first time since quarantine started.
I guess along with Salt Lake City, The Shaeffer house has gone from Red to Yellow.
(We skipped Orange. It's all or nothing with teenagers.)
Nick's negotiation was, "since we have to make sandwiches today for the Good Samaritan House, can I invite friends over and they can help us too?" It was a pretty good argument.

Dunc and Kristin came too and we had 100 sandwiches made in no time.

Other funny thing... Chris had a root canal today. (That wasn't funny. But it was fortuitous that when he discovered his gray tooth in Mexico, we thought he'd have to wait 18 months to have it looked at. And now it's behind him.)
The funny part is that only the patient is allowed in the office.
I decided to wait on the grass since it was such a nice day, but I startled a woman who was waiting in her car, and I realized there were several moms waiting in cars and when I left a little family eating lunch on another patch of grass. 
Just another something that's different with Covid-19 procedures.

Last week the driveway was covered in the little white Elm seeds.
Covered. The gardeners swept them up and 20 minutes later the driveway was covered again.

This week the elm seeds are fewer, but now the maple seeds are covering the driveway 
(and seeding themselves in my garden, but last year it wasn't too much of a problem, so I'm not worrying about it.)

Also, interesting note: I'd noticed a boxelder tree had seeds that were the same as a maple.
I just looked it up and boxelders are actually "boxelder maples."

Roses in bloom and being trained up the chimney.

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