Friday, May 08, 2020

Just Toss It.

I threw away my shredded squash today. I used it in a recipe a couple of weeks ago and it was disgusting. KT and I talked about the work we go through at the end of the fall to Me: shred every last bit of zucchini and squash. Her: dicing leftover rhubarb.

Why do we do it? We don't want to throw away perfectly good food. It can be used in recipes. What if there's an apocalypse (pandemic?) and we run out of food? We'll be glad we have it. Of course we both have large food storages, so we're not relying on the frozen squash for sustenance.

Maybe we just want to preserve the summer and the good feeling of eating all the delicious food we ate fresh from our gardens.

Note for next year. Don't bother.

This cute little robin was perfectly perched where I could take a picture.
A sweet surprise out my window.

This doesn't properly show it, but the kitchen is chaos.
My computer on the counter (so I can work on projects in the same room as everybody else.)
The puzzle table out ready and waiting for me to pause from my digital scrapbooking 
and break for a puzzle.
Nick's computer, binders and homework spread out on one end of the kitchen table.
Drinking cups on every flat surface. We go through so many cups with everyone home.
But for now it feels good. 
I love being surrounded by my people.

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