Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Takeout Tuesday

Just as I was putting water on to boil and pulling chicken out of the freezer, 
Nick said Tuesday nights should be "Takeout Tuesday."
(Mainly because he works Wednesday - Saturday and wants and eat-out day.)
This is the drive-thru at Greek City Grill (wrapped around the whole parking lot), but actually, with no in-store customers, it went pretty darn fast.

Takeout Tuesdays sounds good to me too, as I'm always a little worn out after my afternoons with Clara. Don't even ask me why -- everything we do is in slow motion.
I think it's emotionally draining.
She somehow went through all six rolls of toilet paper I gave her last week!
Good thing Target has it now. I've got to stay on top of it!

When I came home Chris and friends plus two girl friends 
were all hanging out on the trampoline together.

Yesterday I told Nick he could have ONE friend come over (who wanted Nick to shave his head with Chris' clippers). Told them he could come if they stayed outside.
A pack of SIX kids came. I did let Nick walk to 7-11 with them, 
but then they all went to someone else's house and Nick came home. 

Getting teens to comply with social distancing is getting harder and harder.

Courtney called from her roof to see if her wifi worked up there. It did!
She and Michael go up to the roof to work out.
So glad they have some outside space to retreat to!
(They were somewhat shocked to see Chris and friends hanging out on the trampoline --
It's so different in New York City than it is here.)
It's like they're living in a war zone. Kind of. But I did get to hear all the city start clapping at 7:00 p.m. like they do every night for the medical workers.
Courtney said it's super inspirational.

She also has a really great view from her room that wasn't captured in this photo!

When we picked up our takout, we all ate our burgers and gyros outside,
which is our favorite thing about summer in our yard...
actually the pool... or the trees... or the shade... 
ONE of our favorite things to do in the summer in our backyard.

Meme of the day:

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