Thursday, April 16, 2020

Our Standards Are Slipping

I still feel tired and my voice is weak and my neck is sore.
But I read the comments of those who've done injections before 
and I'm pretty much the only one who hates them.
So I got up, got showered and dressed and got to the day.

(However, while I was still in bed, I was awoken by a 4.2 aftershock from last month's earthquake.
I was so tired, I just decided to lay there and not worry about going somewhere "safe."
Surely the bed is safe.)

Chris bleached his hair:

This is Nick's lunch:
Our standards are really slipping around here.
When I opened my mouth to comment, Nick said, 
"Don't worry, Mom, I'm also eating an apple."

While Nick was at work tonight, 
Dan, Chris and I did some indexing. 
Which counts for temple attendance during quarantine.
It's actually fun if you get the typed ones.

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