Wednesday, April 01, 2020

One Hour for Spiritual Things

I was feeling overwhelmed and a little sad yesterday.
All this uncertainty with Chris' mission is hard. 
But I had a sweet spiritual experience yesterday I recorded in my journal
and today I went on a long walk with KT through Tanner Park
(social distanced, of course). 

This afternoon the boys agreed to watch a 
YouTube presentation by David Butler on The Restoration
It was pretty fantastic -- discussing the spiritual aspect of the restoration.
What are some things Joseph Smith learned in his experience in the grove that applies to all of us?
We are:
Delivered, Known, Heard, Forgiven, Beloved

They liked it. And even laughed out loud.
And suddenly the day was brighter and things felt better. 
One hour focusing on spiritual things all together. I feel grateful.

Tonight the Shaeffers all came over and sat on one side of the living room 
while we sat on the other. 
It was so fun to be with people and catch up with all of them!

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

Thank you for the visit too! WE LOVED IT! As we were driving away J.D. said, "I really like talking with those guys. They are so fantastic." I couldn't agree more.