Thursday, April 09, 2020

A Day in Covid-19

KT and I hiked up to the first stream on Mt. Olympus this morning.
I almost declined because I really wanted to sleep in. 
Plus I'm nervous I'll not even be able to make it to the first stream.
I haven't hiked a steep hike in so long.

But I did just fine.
We social distanced walked and talked.
A lot of other people were on the trail and it's interesting 
how we work extra hard to give everyone a wide berth. 

Exercising is an important part of my mental health. 
I feel so much better when I've challenged myself and been outside.

Chris wanted to hang out with Luke. I was skeptical if they'd be able to stay apart or not. 
But they did just fine.

In the afternoon I wanted to take Clara's daughter TP, and it turned out she needed a few other groceries. Marge did too. And then I got a request from a friend to help refugee families with items they need. Dan was done with work earlier and willing to come with me.
But first I had a nap.

And then we went to Target together (he waited in the car so that only one of us got exposed.)
And I wore my "mask."
It's been determined that even though the Coronavirus can get through regular masks,
we should wear masks now to protect others from our coughs. And to discourage us from touching our mouths and then touching other things.
Everybody's doing it. I felt super awkward shopping on Monday without one.
So today I was prepared.

Tonight we planned to eat take out to support our local restaurants.
(Our governor has asked if we're able, to eat out a few times a week to support them.
But you really have to plan ahead, because pick-up times can be an hour or more...
 as I found out last week when trying to order sushi for us and the Eberts!)

Bombay House has never tasted so good!
We made our own Mango Lassi's that were also... okay.
We've decided less yogurt next time. 

Tonight also marks when our fast begins. 
As a family we made a commitment to do a true 24-hour fast instead of snacking clear up until midnight and then fasting for breakfast and lunch.

Marty suggested we all kneel together after dinner to pray and begin our fast.
I am grateful my kids are so helpful in encouraging us to do good things.

And then we watched the Modern Family two-hour Series Finale.

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