Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Window to my Future

Today while driving to her doctor appointment, Clara said, 
"I really like to be organized and have a plan. I don't know why -- I've always been that way."

And like so many other times, I felt like I was looking into a window of future me
telling someone who only knows old me about young me.

She also said, "I used to love getting into mischief when I was younger.
My sister did anything I did. We weren't afraid of anything. I was a dare devil."

"I was always the type of person who they put in charge of things.
They knew I would get things done."

She also loves to make lists.
(And cuts the top part off -- the part that has been torn
from the spiral notepad and is now in shreds. She likes it neat.)

That's part of why I like to be with her. I see me.

She also promised that when I'm 94 and she's in heaven, 
she'll send someone to help take care of me and be my friend.

I believe her.

1 comment:

LifeOfARealMom said...

This post is very beautifully written.