Friday, June 25, 2021

Cimarrona Peak

Thought we'd hike a couple miles up the Cimarrona Trail today.
As we got started Dan suggested we go three miles. 
But I was imagining Mt. Olympus three miles and didn't want to exert that much energy.

As it turned out, the trail is a gentle grade and made the climb more like a walk through the mountain covered in wildflowers. It was so beautiful, it was easy to keep going!
And before we knew it we were at the saddle and had hiked 6.5 miles.


3.6 miles was this cool arch!

4.5 miles the trail ran along a steep ledge (ugh!) but a great view of Williams Reservoir.

The mountainside was littered with dead trees fallen and standing. 
But new trees were growing.

Made it to where the trail divides. One way to the Continental Divide. 
Another path around Cimarrona to a lake. We stopped here and felt great about it. 

Ran a lot of the way down. I've discovered I kinda like trail running.
If its soft and not rocky or treacherous.

Our last night in Pagosa. We're sad to have to leave!

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