Saturday, February 27, 2021


 Nick had a cabin overnight with the Priests (his Church youth group) snowmobiling Friday and Saturday.
They had a blast, but he also reported that snowmobiling takes some skill learning to move your body 
with the vehicle so you don't get stuck in the snow.
When you do get stuck (often), its hard work to dig your machine out. 

I didn't realize snowmobiles took skill and hard work! Even better!
So grateful for the men willing to take personal time and be mentors for our youth!

We're thinking of getting a couple for Pagosa, but it sounds like there will be a big learning curve.

Meanwhile Dan and I went to Orem to see a film at the LDS film festival done by a guy in our ward.
I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Good acting, original story and dialogue.
Our first movie in a theater since the pandemic started. 
I hope we're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!

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