Saturday, February 20, 2021

Cozy Saturday

I'm still in my pajamas, nestled in the corner of the family room sectional, blankets and pillows snuggled around me, Kershaw at my feet. I've got all day to work on homework while Dan and Nick are up skiing. The only interruptions are massive piles of snow avalanching off our roof as the sun has come out and its heating up outside. Makes both me and Kershaw jump every time.

Feels good to have this time to myself doing something I love. 

The Nugents came to Utah and stayed up at Solitude to ski/snowboard for the week. 
(With the big storm and the canyons closing, they had the resort to themselves for a few days.)
Last night their family came over and also Sheree, Soren and Simone. 
The kids were running around playing hide 'n seek, climbing the rock wall and exploring Nick's snow fort.
 -- spectacular chaos -- 
the kind that fills your soul when you're surrounded by children's games, funny expressions, the tone of their voices, their delight in cousins, thrill of sleepovers, giving hugs and especially cute teenagers willing to talk with the adults! 

I've missed spending time with my sisters during the pandemic. 
I've missed interacting with their kids and watching their families in action. 
So glad I get to see them when they visit Utah!
I haven't seen Rachel in over a year... maybe at Chris' farewell, August 2019?
That's too long! 
At least we have texting! Our group chats are the best.

Nick was around for a little bit, but had big plans with his friends to make a grocery cart sled.
They attached an old pair of skis to a grocery cart they "found,"
and took turns riding in it down the hill at Churchill. 
("Don't worry mom, we're wearing helmets.")
The videos are pretty epic.

In other winter fun,
Dan and Nick had to leave by 7:00 a.m. to try to get a parking spot at Alta. 
They arrived at 7:50 and within ten minutes of them arriving, the lot was full. 
The resort doesn't open until 9:15, so they used that time by having a "tailgate" 
making breakfast burritos on the Coleman stove with the friends they skied with.
They reported it was pretty chilly and windy, but delicious too!

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