Thursday, December 12, 2019

More Prepping

One of the eggs was a twin!
Tomorrow I'm hosting a group of friends for breakfast. It was a good excuse to use the Christmas dishes again and practice the quiche and monkey bread I'm making for the young women's Christmas brunch in a week.

I made 20 more cups of nuts. (I keep burning one of the trays. I'm not sure why that's never happened in previous years.) Also cranberry pumpkin bread and three crustless quiches. I'm also trying monkey bread for the first time. Hoping it rises over night. The recipe promises me it will.

I also got my hair done today and caught up on TV shows this evening while Nick went to the Lower Lights concert with a friend. (Dan is still out of town.) It was kinda nice to stretch out and watch TV for a while. I didn't realize I had shows I hadn't seen: two Modern Families, two Blackish's, and The Good Place. Then I let Brooklyn Nine-Nine play while I cooked. Felt like a night off.

Today while driving around "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" came up on my playlist.
I usually skip it because it's the entire book -- not just the music.
But today I listened to it and totally loved it.

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