Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Christmas Shopping Date

It's been years and years since Dan and I had a Christmas shopping date. We did it when we only had a few young children, but then the tradition changed to Dan taking each of the kids on a Christmas shopping date like my dad did with me and Michelle. I loved that tradition so much with my dad, I wanted Dan to and the kids to have the same experience.

But with four children and endless Christmas programs, performances and parties, those four days cut into valuable family time that we didn't seem to have enough of during the holidays. To remedy, Dan consolidated, taking a few children at a time or in shifts on the same day. Slowly the kids got older and began driving and the tradition fizzled out. Even though Nick can't drive, he takes care of his shopping by ordering online. (He's a great gift-giver, by the way.)

With the kids growing up, we still didn't make a Christmas date for the two of us because we were still going in a lot of different directions so often Dan and I divide and conquer the Christmas list. (He researches the techie stuff or the "cool" stuff and I buy the the other stuff.)

But this year, Dan and I set a date to shop. He picked me up right after I got home from Clara's and we had the entire afternoon and evening to shop and go out to dinner. I even hoped to throw in the Mannheim Steamroller concert, but that didn't happen and will have to wait for another year.

The best part for me is going everywhere I wanted to without being rushed. We started up at the Park City outlets, then down to REI. Dinner at Caffe Molise then over to finish shopping at City Creek. Finally we stopped at a brownie shop for treats and headed back home to the boys.

We had a great evening together AND got all our shopping done!

The most coincidental part is that as we were going up the elevator at City Creek, Sheree was on the other side coming down! She came back up so we could chat. And then walked with us to the tree so we could get a photo of Dan and me and also Sheree and me.

Earlier in the day at Clara's, she had me decorate her Christmas tree.

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