Friday, December 27, 2019


Today when I said my prayers (after I woke up at 10:00 a.m. again!), I prayed that if someone needed my help, I'd know how to help them. And then I thought, "But I'm not planning on going anywhere today so I probably won't run into someone to be helpful or be out and about to be prompted to be helpful."

I read my scriptures then got on the Peloton to do a workout, planning on being finished by noon to then spend the rest of the day working on the puzzle and reading. Dan and Nick were up skiing, Marty and Lizzie went to a wedding and I was going to relax and sit on the couch all day!

I'd been on the bike only 30 seconds when Marty called. His car had broken down on the freeway as he and Lizzie were headed to the Bountiful Temple. They'd been able to pull off the freeway and get to a parking lot, but needed to get an Uber immediately to get to the wedding on time. They hoped I could help facilitate getting the broken down car towed.

I considered doing my workout first, but knew that my mind would be totally preoccupied with the car and I wouldn't be able to focus. Marty was concerned the car may be impounded because he didn't have a permit for the parking lot he was in. I called Dan to get advice of where to tow the car and to find out where he kept the extra key.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to the car. And then I realized I'd forgotten the key. There was nothing to do but turn around and head back. I was totally annoyed at myself. I flipped through several radio stations and then remembered my friends had told me about some podcasts. The first one was "Don't Miss This" reviewing the week's Come Follow Me scripture study. They talked about the symbols in Revelations but most importantly Grace that is emphasized at the end of the book. The podcast got me home and back again.

I called AAA and the tow truck arrived in 30 minutes. Not too bad of a wait and I'd brought a book to pass the time.

On the way home I listened to an Oprah podcast which happened to be about Faith. It finished just as I arrived home. I was happy that my time in the car (doubled by my frustrating oversight) was actually useful in lifting my spirits through inspirational podcasts.

I debated whether or not to exercise -- by now, three hours had passed since my original attempt to ride the bike. I was still in my riding clothes, after all, so I did it. I chose Ally Love for my instructor and her "Sunday Love" class. In the class, she said each Sunday she focused on a virtue. Today's was Faith.

Each of these three different people from very different backgrounds and religions all had a deep love for God and Jesus. And they acted on their desire to share that love and faith with others. One in an online scripture class, another in a viral podcast and the third in an exercise class. It reminded me that God loves all his children and he will find us any way he can, no matter what path we go looking for him. He wants us to know he's there and he loves us.

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